I have been thinking long and hard about how I am going to take my blog forward now that I will have a lot more time on my hands. I started my blog for me as a way of recording my ideas and bringing them to life. However, as time has gone on and I have read your lovely comments and become more and more aware of the little community that surrounds my blog, and the larger blogosphere, that there are real people who read it! It is so easy to think that not a soul will read your words, let alone try your ideas, but everyday I speak or hear from someone who has done just that – it really is quite amazing and for that I would like to say a big thank you.
I learnt so much from my teaching career, but one of the most important things, which teachers, parents and politicians forget far too often, is that you have to ask the children what they want and need, what they enjoy most, what they think of your lessons. Sometimes, this is forgotten because people don’t actually want to hear the answers, for fear of negative feedback. Anyhoo, the point is that I want to ask all of you what you think of my blog, what type of posts you enjoy the most and what you would like to see more or less of, which I hope will help me develop it in a positive direction.
Do you want more or less of: Home tours, craft projects, DIY before and afters, sewing tutorials, design ideas, home improvement tips, my home,ย gardening ideas,ย ย shopping suggestions, more guest posts by other bloggers, more money-saving ideas? Is there something I am not doing that you would find useful? Would you prefer fewer words and more pictures or the other way around? Is my blog design clear and easy to use or is there something that just doesn’t work for you? Here are some past posts to trigger your mind…

More house tours? Do you read the words or do you just like to looks at the photos? Foster House

More or fewer sewing tutorials? Are they clear and easy to understand? Are you sick and tired of me going on about Liberty all the time?! Liberty print apron tutorial.

Do you find gardening ideas useful or just really boring? Planting Indoor bulbs.

More or fewer craft projects? Is there a craft you would like me to focus on? Paper heart garland.

Do you like home improvements ideas? Can you believe this post has been pinned thousands and thousands of times?! Kitchen storage ideas.

Do you find DIY ‘before and after’ projects useful for inspiration? Furniture makeover.
If you have any comments, please do either email me (katy@ or just leave a comment below. Look forward to hearing from you!
Katy x
Hey Katy,
I recently asked the same thing on my blog – sometimes just asking is the all that’s need to help refocus.
I’ve been a big fan of your blog for a long time now (as you know) and I really love your DIY and craft posts especially. Seeing before and afters and an insight into your home is fun too – maybe because I’m nosey. ๐ I’m not really into gardening etc. yet, but given that I’ll be *hopefully* buying a house next year I’d like to think your blog is going to be one of my reference points for my home styling. ๐
Hope this is a little helpful for you!
Leanne x
Thank you for the lovely comments, Leanne! Can not wait to see your new house and all the lovely things you’ll do to it xx
Your blog is one that I always skip to in my reader to check out the latest post. I really look forward to seeing what you are sharing.
I particularly like the craft and DIY posts and always enjoy a furniture or room before and after shot. Particularly if you have done it on a budget.
Personally I am not a fan of gardening, but that is just me and I know a lot of people will like to hear about your green fingered adventures. Particularly as your garden is a shared one on a roof terrace, it makes it more interesting than a standard back yard.
Room/house tours are great, but I tend to skip over any that are not my style. This applies to any interiors blog really, not just yours.
I wouldn’t say no to more dog pics too! ๐
Claire x
This is all really helpful, Claire – thank you! Also, very flattered that you skip to my blog ๐ xx p.s. more dog pics is such a good idea!!
I love the home tours and all the amazing photographs ๐
I like to see your clutter solutions (I need help) and all those clever ways you can make something crap look lovely for next to no cost. Your home styling is amazing and I’d love to see your skills put to good use in other people’s homes x
AMAZING photographs thanks to you, my dear xx
And more gardening please! Rooftop and urban gardening specifically – transforming a small urban space into an oasis.
Good idea!
Hi katy. I’ve been reading your blog for about six months and I really enjoy it. My favourite posts are design ideas and tips that I can use on my own home and would never have thought of myself for example I put a shelf high above my doorways like you did. I would also like some party ideas such as creative ways to dress the table etc. Look forward to seeing more posts! ๐
Ah, I’m so glad that some of my ideas have been so useful! Thank you so much for reading and I’ll definitely have a think about party ideas! ๐
Hi Katy,
I too have been following your blog since at least before Christmas and have loved the variety of posts. The liberty sewing/fabric tutorials are great and probably what led me to your blog in the first place, I do love a good sewing idea to add to my million ‘what I want to make’ pins on Pinterest. The indoor gardening has helped me to bring some more greenery indoors. The home tours and room makeovers are such lovely inspiration, the photos are always great, it’s like reading a glossy interior magazine, perhaps that can be your next venture!
I feel that the variety means you can tickle everyone’s fancy and gives people the choice to pick and choose the articles that they want to read and to skim over the ones they’re not interested in.
Ooh and decluttering ideas are always helpful in a busy life with crafts and children (or dogs!) are involved.
I could go on but won’t bore you….
More of everything please!!!
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, Calandra, and for following my blog! More of everything coming up! x
Hi! Such a nice idea to ask for feedback! Your blog is so helpful and inspirational and one thing I would like to see more of us more shop suggestions. I’m always looking for new places to buy things for myself and for presents but I never have the time to trawl the Internet. Good luck in your new venture ๐
Shop suggestions is one I can do very easily – I am constantly searching out new shopping (and shopping!) Thanks for the comment, Caryn ๐
Hi Katy, funnily enough I’ve been thinking about asking the same question about my blog! I’ve not been reading your blog that long, so I don’t feel informed enough to answer some of your questions, but I can say that personally I don’t like too much text, it’s all about imagery when reading blogs. I love home tours and liberty fabric, so they are both winners for me! Good luck with moving forward, it’s exciting times x
Thank you, Emma. I would definitely ask your readers, too. Everyone has been so helpful and constructive – I got some really good emails, too. X
I’d just like to say that there is no such thing as “too much” Liberty.
I like the home hints – declutter, etc. and tours.
have a good day.
So glad you agree, Dana!!! Liberty all the way x
Hi Katy
I think your blog is brilliant and you have a perfect balance of posts. I’d love to see more of your styling ideas because your fantastic at making simple look beautiful and achievable. I’d also love to read more about realistic ways to keep your home clutter free and tidy (this is something I totally fail at). The home tours you are always really inspiring and just want I want to look at.
I can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds for you.
Tips of tidying and clutter is definitely a theme in the comments above, so you’re not alone! Looking forward to our styling project together xx
I would love to see a child’s room styled and I bet you could come up with aesthetically pleasing ways to store toys.
Good ideas, Gigi. May need to borrow someone’s home for that though – definitely no children’s toys in my house! ๐
Hi Katy,
Firstly, there can never be too much Liberty! I really enjoy house tours, especially when they’re crammed full of photos cause I just like have a little nosy around someone’s house. Home design and style focuses are also something I enjoy and the gardening, especially handy tips about gardening/growing in the city.
Hope we can catch up soon! Hannah x
Thanks, Hannah, very helpful! Liberty all the way! xx
Hello Katy!
I discovered your blog not two months ago, and I was instantly hooked! I love the urban gardening and also the crafts tutorials.
Would you consider doing an occasional “send me a design dilemma” where you can give suggestions on how to make a space more beautiful? Also, could you do a bit on how to improve living space (mainly walls) in rented flats?
Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I hope you will visit my etiquette blog sometime. Here is a link to the post I wrote about preparing your home for house guests and being a great host: http://etiquettebutterfly.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/the-perfect-host/
All the best,